Optimizing YouTube Channel Videos is a must

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d probably know that Youtube is the premier video sharing site that every business must have a presence on. Therefore, you must first be there as a business and secondly you should start optimizing Youtube channel videos to make sure your videos get a steady stream of traffic at all times. It’s not that difficult a process; it’s like optimizing any regular website. For example, you need to do some SEO work for your channel and then make sure the Meta data is bang on the money. That’s something you usually do in any case. And so things like descriptions and titles need to be spot on if they are to go viral. So here’s Part I of how you go about optimizing youtube channel videos.

Video Titles

What’s in a name? Everything! This is what people search for, so make sure the name affords quick access and plenty of coverage. A title is the big reason I watch any given video, and if it is exactly what it says it is, well and good. Sometimes I find something unique when I search for a certain string, so in any case make sure your video titles are interesting and relevant always.

Video Descriptions

The same argument that I made above holds true for video descriptions as well. These descriptions must complement your video title, so use keywords but just don’t’ go over the top with it. A great description is an extension of the title and it will sum the video up perfectly while having an element of SEO to it.

Video tags

Tags are keywords that shepherd visitors to your Youtube channel and so these should be highly relevant. For example, if the keyword is “when pigs fly”, make sure it is used in the title, in the meta description and in these video tags as well. Having them only in only one or two of them is pointless and defeats the purpose. What all this means is you will need some keyword research to know how to target your audience.

Desc: you should start optimizing Youtube channel videos to make sure your videos get a steady stream of dedicated traffic at all times.

More Information: Rikhavinfotech

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