Category Archives: Tech

“Colors” passes the test of launching with flying colors!

Color seems to be born ruler f the technology world. Launching of the new mobile application has not yet passed 24 hours and countless articles have been published about it. In terms of itunes the new app ranks 26th. It won’t take much time for color to fade away all its competitors.

But what is the driving force of this new mobile app that is grabbing endless attention? As the feature of the app says that the prime reason for its success its social networking feature that is location-based. There can also be another reason for its hype which is visible from its line of founders. The founder of Colors have colorful background as the founders include former CEO of Lala, Bill Nguyen and former CEO of BillShrink , Peter Pham.

When the hype of an app is so staggering the real reasons of its excitement comes up. The pre-launch venture program of Colors amounted to $41 million, which was funded by Silicon Valley Bank, Sequoia Capital and Bain Capital. Three are several people who are expecting that this grand gala pre-launch can be a boost to the growing attention of Color. But whatever may be the reason, the launch of Color for Android iphones is a sure revolution in the tech world and the iphone app of similar stripe will have a tough time to face. Whatever be the race of competition between the app giants but the consumers will ultimately gain.

More Information:  Rikhavinfotech

Seed funding By Mint Founder for news text technology

The seed money which is often known as startup capital will be plenty for Topincmarks. The company, which extracts significant information from text documents with the help pf semantic text technology, has received a hefty seed funding from the founder of Aaron Patzer.

The Mint founder who sold his company to Intuit for a deal of $170 million has been noticed to advocate about Topicmarks at length. He has been observed to state flowery words about the company asset up and its employees working presently. Patzer said that for the last 3 years the tech company has made steady development and has also appreciated the team of talented engineers working there. He has also studied the algorithm that drives the semantic text technology and has found it impressive.

Now what is behind semantic text technology that has attracted Patzer so much? The technology is responsible for uploading a document and then analyzing to create a CliffsNotes version. It will include complete summary and the key pints of the document along with keywords and important points. The company is in a startup phase but the technology used by it is quite strong as it can read a document f any type easily. It is supposed that the technology can be later used to refine the information of RSS feed, overflowing mail inboxes and social streams. The technology developed is surely a brilliant one and with the seed funding from Patzer it will get an I impressive boosting to sharpen the technology further.

More Information: Rikhavinfotech