Tag Archives: ways to use Twitter List

Superb ways to use twitter lists for your business

Many organizations have been quick in implementing twitter lists and using it as an advantage. Other than self promotion which many news organizations are using twitter for, a lot of things can be done with the lists. If you do know a creative way in which the lists can be used, do share your comments.

Businesses can create a staff directory online using the twitter lists. For example a website can have a list for its writers. This list can be followed by readers and those who like the blog posts. The traffic from twitter is significant and by using twitter lists the potential can be maximized. It can also help the staff of the business to be easily accessed by the twitter group. This can help in expanding their followers and increasing the traffic to the website.

Specialist information

It can be difficult to figure out whom to follow and whom not to follow. It is like finding the right signal among the noise.

Twitter lists can be used to track down and group together smart tweeples and good sources. At Rikhav Infotech our writers and optimizers track down like minded individuals and sources. The writers using such lists can track sources, connect with readers and find new story ideas. The stream of tweets on specific subjects helps in connecting with twitterers.

Twitter streams on your website

A clever way to get information from twittersphere is streaming the tweets from the lists onto a blog or a website. For example if one has a network of travel websites, the twitter lists can be embedded on the websites using List API. Such lists can include other travel writers or tweets regarding the travel posts on the blog network.

Twitter lists help people find information easily by grouping it together in a list. It can help avoid spammers and gain specialist information. A list of athletes participating in the event or a list of politicians running for the election can be useful. They help organize and filter the noise in the twittersphere.