Category Archives: Events @Rikhavinfotech

Wishing you a Sparkling Diwali and a Prosperous New Year

All are invited as we celebrate Dussehra & navratri

Dussehra is celebrated every year to mark Lord Ram’s victory over the demon king Ravana of Lanka. This festival is symbolic of good prevailing over evil. It is the time for self introspection and channeling the positive energy and good vibes .As the entire country rejoices in the joyous atmosphere how can our pioneering company be left behind.

As we wish all our employees and staff happiness and prosperity we invite all family and friends of Rikhav Infotech to congregate on Saturday the 16th of October, 2010 in a grand event to usher in Dussehra. Get set to see all the employees dressed up in various traditional garbs to mark this auspicious occasion. And any event here at Rikhav has a distinctive touch. And this will be provided by our very our employee Vareeja Thakkar who will enthrall one and all with her exceptional skill of playing the mandolin. Come be part of the fun and frolic!