Tag Archives: Web 2.0

Web 2.0: a more interactive web

Technology and its innovation is the key to the Web 2.0 experience. The ideas of combining the internet and the power of the people would be impossible without technology backing it. The web experience should be easy for every one to be part of it.

web 2.0While the Web 2.0 is about creating a social experience it also focuses on making the webosphere more responsive and interactive. And this is where technology comes in simplifying and bringing innovation to the web. Methodologies like AJAX are at the core of the new web experience. AJAX is a programming language is an abbreviation for Asynchronous Javascript and XML.

AJAX allows the web browsers (fire fox, internet explorer) to communicate with the websites behind the curtains without the need for any human interaction. This simply means the one need not click on anything for the website to produce some action. While this sounds very easy and simple but this has been possible only in the last couple of year’s time.

Such technologies make websites function like applications on your computer desktop. Hence the websites are more responsive and easier to function. Rikhav Infotech develops websites which are chic and simplistic while being innovative. Such website design helps keep things simple thus making it easier for people to access and share information on the internet. The more complicated and difficult the website is less will be the people wanting to make use of it. Our strategies and practices make it easier to harness the collective power of the people and the web. Come be a part of the revolution.